Ceremonies for the Application of the Ranks of Officers and Enforcement Members and the Retirement Ceremony of PPK Hanib Bin Ab Kadir (Enforcement Assistant Grade KP26)

On 14 October 2022 at the Mini Stadium, Kuala Kubu Baharu, the MPHS Enforcement Department, organized the Ceremonies for the Application of the Ranks of Officers and Enforcement Members and the Retirement Ceremony of PPK Hanib Bin Ab Kadir (Enforcement Assistant Grade KP26).
The ceremony which was attended by the President of MPHS, the Deputy President of MPHS and also present the directors of Departments, heads of Departments/Divisions and Heads of Units as well as representatives of MPHS departments witnessed the ceremony of applying the rank of an Enforcement Officer and five (5) enforcement members who received the application of the rank from corporal to sergeant which was completed by the President of MPHS and the Deputy President of MPHS.
At the end of the ceremony, the President delivered a special speech and among the essence of the speech, he wished well and congratulated on the use of the rank and hoped that the officers and enforcement members who accepted the use of the rank would be more enthusiastic and give commitment in carrying out their duties with more excellence in addition to guarding the image and reputation of the department with full integrity, not getting involved in matters that lead to corruption, abuse of power, embezzlement and so on.
At the same time, he also expressed his deepest appreciation to PPK Hanib bin Ab Kadir for his contribution of devotional service from the beginning to the end of his service at the Hulu Selangor Municipal Council, who retired on 1 October 2022.



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  • Latest Update : Friday 28 June 2024, 02:01:13.
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