Hulu Selangor Municipal Council Standard Visit to the Historic Melaka City Council

Nov 24 – About the Hulu Selangor Municipal Council's Benchmarking Visit to the Historic Melaka City Council involving a total of 40 delegates led by YBrs. Tuan Mohd Hasry bin Nor Mohd, Chairman of the Hulu Selangor Municipal Council. Also participating in the visit, YDM Dato' Raja Muzaffar bin Raja Redzwa, Orang Besar of Selangor District. The delegation was welcomed by YBhg. Datuk Hj. Zainal bin Hj. Abu, Mayor of the Historic Melaka City Council accompanied by YBrs. Sir Ts. Mr. Noramirul Nizam bin Kamis, MBMB City Secretary.
The purpose of this visit is to share views on dog control in the MBMB administrative area. In addition, the delegation also visited the site at the temporary dog ​​control hub located at the MBMB Logistics Complex, Batu Berendam and also visited the hornet at Wisma Gan Boon Leong, Jonker Walk, and was warmly welcomed by YBhg. Datuk Gan Tian Loo, Chairman of the Jonker Walk Committee.
Hopefully this good relationship between local governments can continue to drive municipal services to a higher level.
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  • Latest Update : Wednesday 03 July 2024, 09:30:26.
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