The Wings of KKB 2022 program: Selangor Birds Fair has been successfully held

So, the Wings of KKB 2022 Program: Selangor Birds Fair that has been running from December 1, 2022 until December 18, 2022 has come to an end.
The closing event was officiated by the Deputy Speaker, Hulu Selangor Municipal Council. Also present YBrs. Tuan Dennis Ten Choong Yung (Director of Selangor State Wildlife Protection and National Park Department), YBrs. Tuan Azman bin Dahlan (Chairman of Sabak Bernam District Council) and YBrs. Tuan Tukiman bin Naik (Former President of MDHS).
Also enlivening the closing event, Council Members, Hulu Selangor Municipal Council, representatives of federal, state and regional department heads as well as the participants of Wings of KKB 2022: Selangor Birds Fair.
Tuan Dennis Ten Choong Yung also promoted Kuala Kubu Bharu as a Study and Bird Observation Area under the Wildlife Conservation Act 2010 (Act 716).
Thanks again, and see you in the next Wings of KKB.



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  • Latest Update : Wednesday 03 July 2024, 09:30:26.
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