Sop Compliance In Ramadan Bazaar

The Hulu Selangor District Council calls on all traders and visitors to the Ramadan Bazaar within the MDHS administrative area to always comply with the standard operating procedures (SOP) set by the National Security Council. This follows a survey and monitoring of the operation of the Ramadan Bazaar in the first week of Ramadan and found that the average trader and visitor still do not attach importance to safety measures and ignore the SOP that needs to be taken to curb the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic in Hulu Selangor.

Several issues were identified involving non-compliance with the SOP in the Ramadan Bazaar such as the failure of visitors to register the Mysejahtera/SELANGKAH application and record the temperature regularly. Visitors were found to take MySejahtera / SELANGKAH registration lightly and there were visitors who did not fill in complete information on the record book provided as an alternative contact tracing record. In addition, there are also visitors who do not enter from the main entrance and avoid registering their presence on MySejahtera or SELANGKAH.

In most areas of the Ramadan Bazaar, it was found that there are visitors who are not sensitive to the risk of Covid-19 infection by bringing babies and children under the age of 12 crowded into the Ramadan Bazaar. In addition to that, there are traders who act to join a stall or sales table where the SOP only allows 2 workers per stall.

The Hulu Selangor District Council will increase control over SOP compliance and enforcement at bazaar sites so that there is no "bazaar cluster". From April 19, 2021, instructions to all traders and visitors;

1. Only 2 people from 1 family are allowed to enter

2. Children under the age of 12 are not allowed to enter the Ramadan Bazaar

3. The time period is only 30 minutes for each visitor

4. The queue number system is used to control the number of visitors at any one time.

The permission to operate the Ramadan Bazaar should be appreciated and utilized as best as possible without ignoring the standard operating procedures (SOP) that have been set. Strict SOPs must be followed and implemented.



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Jalan Bukit Kerajaan,
44000 Kuala Kubu Bharu,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Monday - Friday : 8:00am - 5:00pm

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  • Latest Update : Tuesday 16 July 2024, 05:37:39.
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