YDP Message


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.


Peace be upon you, and the mercy and blessings of Allah, and greetings of peace.


Welcome to the official portal of the Hulu Selangor Municipal Council (MPHS). This portal serves as a platform for MPHS to connect with the community, providing various information related to the services offered by MPHS. It is a quick access medium to obtain current information on services, activities, and applications provided by the Hulu Selangor Municipal Council, such as e-Billing, Virtual Bill, e-Valuation, CEPat, PBTPay, e-OSC, e-Hall Booking, e-Bazar, and others.

The Selangor State Government, through the Selangor State Clusterization initiative, has placed Hulu Selangor District under the Eco-Tourism Cluster. This is because the district has many popular eco-tourism attractions, not only among local residents but also among tourists both domestic and international. Notable attractions include Serendah Waterfalls, Pelajaran Forest Reserve at Sungai Kedondong, Sungai Sendat Waterfalls, Hulu Tamu Hot Springs, Sungai Semangkuk Waterfalls, Sungai Chiling Waterfalls, Kerling Hot Springs, and Sungai Inki in Hulu Selangor. Various eco-tourism activities can be carried out such as White Water Rafting, 4x4 Off-Road Driving, Paragliding, and Bird Watching.

Hulu Selangor District is currently experiencing rapid development. Known as a Transport Manufacturing Hub, it has become a preferred destination for automotive and downstream investors. Under the First Selangor Plan (RS-1), Serendah Town has been identified as a Logistics Hub, aligning with the role of the Serendah ECRL Station as a meeting point between the North-bound KTM route (Penang Port) and the East Coast ECRL route (Kuantan Port) to Port Klang. This situation means that Serendah and the surrounding area will be a choice location for logistics companies and storage warehouses to establish their operations.

In line with the objectives outlined in the Hulu Selangor District Local Plan 2035 to make Hulu Selangor an Investor-Friendly District, the One-Stop Centre (OSC), which is the first line of reception for all development applications, has been strengthened with the Executive Information System (EIS). MPHS has also developed the Ease Of Doing Business in Hulu Selangor to facilitate investors interested in investing and developing land in Hulu Selangor, from the aspect of obtaining Development Plan approvals to Business Licenses.

MPHS also aims to make Hulu Selangor a Low Carbon City in line with the Hulu Selangor Municipal Council Strategic Plan 2024 - 2028. Since 2019, MPHS (formerly Hulu Selangor District Council) has been recognized as a Low Carbon City through participation in the Low Carbon City Challenge 2030 (LCC2030C) by the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre (MGTC) through the implementation of the Low Carbon City Framework. Various initiatives have been made by incorporating green technology and carbon reduction in activities and programs organized, including Car-Free Day, Eco Free Market, Community Gardens, Recycling Programs, and more.

This official portal is continuously updated to provide information in line with current developments. MPHS also welcomes feedback and suggestions for improvement from portal visitors as we strive to enhance the quality of our services for everyone.

I extend my highest appreciation to all MPHS staff, Council Members, government and private agencies, and customers who have contributed to the excellence achieved by MPHS. Finally, thank you to all who visit this portal. I hope the content of this portal will benefit all parties.

Thank you.

Mrs. Julaihah binti Jamaludin, A.M.S
Hulu Selangor Municipal Council



All rights reserved. © 2025 Hulu Selangor Municipal Council.

Hulu Selangor Municipal Council (HSMC),
Jalan Bukit Kerajaan,
44000 Kuala Kubu Bharu,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Monday - Friday : 8:00am - 5:00pm

T : +603 6064 1331
F : +603 6064 3991
E : webmaster@mphs.gov.my

  • Latest Update : Thursday 27 March 2025, 01:01:14.
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