5S APB Implementation:
The formation of the 5S Committee was discussed at the 5S APB Committee Establishment Meeting. The committee is as follows :-
Parent Committee
- Top Management Parent Committee.
- Executive Master Committee.
Working Committee
- Internal Audit Committee.
- Promotion Committee.
- Training Committee.
- Kaizen Committee.
The creation of the APB 5S Corner in each Department/Division/Unit is done to showcase each of the 5S APB activities that have been implemented.
Main Goal of 5S
- Making the MPHS Area and Environment Clean, Safe and Conducive.
- Creating an Attitude of Cooperation and Tolerance.
- Creating a Uniform Work System Based on 5S Values.
5S objectives
- Ensure at least customer satisfaction feedback reaches 85% satisfied.
- Improving work processes through 10 kaizen culture within 1 year
- Ensure that no accident reports are reported during the certification period or ensure that solutions to accident reports can be resolved immediately.
- Ensure all MPHS services meet the period promised to customers.
MPHS 5S Practice Police
Committed to 5S Practice By Creating a Conducive, Safe, Cheerful and Neat Work Environment to Create a
Quality Work Culture Based on Consensus for Organizational Strengthening

The Mission
of Achieving a Quality Work Culture

Empowers 5S Practice

"Quality Environment Catalysts Innovation"
Latest 5S certification: 14 December 2022 13 December 2023. (Please click here to view the latest certificates)