APB Qe-5S Quality Environmental Practices

5S APB Implementation:

The formation of the 5S Committee was discussed at the 5S APB Committee Establishment Meeting. The committee is as follows :-


Parent Committee

  • Top Management Parent Committee.
  • Executive Master Committee.

Working Committee

  • Internal Audit Committee.
  • Promotion Committee.
  • Training Committee.
  • Kaizen Committee.

The creation of the APB 5S Corner in each Department/Division/Unit is done to showcase each of the 5S APB activities that have been implemented.

Main Goal of 5S

  1. Making the MPHS Area and Environment Clean, Safe and Conducive.
  2. Creating an Attitude of Cooperation and Tolerance.
  3. Creating a Uniform Work System Based on 5S Values.

5S objectives
  1. Ensure at least customer satisfaction feedback reaches 85% satisfied.
  2. Improving work processes through 10 kaizen culture within 1 year
  3. Ensure that no accident reports are reported during the certification period or ensure that solutions to accident reports can be resolved immediately.
  4. Ensure all MPHS services meet the period promised to customers.

MPHS 5S Practice Police
Committed to 5S Practice By Creating a Conducive, Safe, Cheerful and Neat Work Environment to Create a
Quality Work Culture Based on Consensus for Organizational Strengthening
The Mission

The Mission

of Achieving a Quality Work Culture



Empowers 5S Practice



"Quality Environment Catalysts Innovation"

Latest 5S certification: 14 December 2022 13 December 2023.  (Please click here to view the latest certificates)



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Jalan Bukit Kerajaan,
44000 Kuala Kubu Bharu,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Monday - Friday : 8:00am - 5:00pm

T : +603 6064 1331
F : +603 6064 3991
E : webmaster@mphs.gov.my

  • Latest Update : Thursday 13 March 2025, 04:59:24.
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